TRANSHUMAN PORTRAITS – sanguine drawings
TRANSHUMAN PORTRAITS – sanguine drawingsTRANSHUMAN PORTRAITS, a sanguine drawings series is a voice in the discussion on transhumanism. Transhuman. Transitional human. A transitional man. According to the supporters of transhumanism, it will be an ideal, perfect being. Improved by biotechnology, gene manipulation, brain transplantation … But doesn’t it also pose a huge threat? Are we sure we control everything that brings with it “progress”, rushing at a crazy pace, maybe towards our destruction? Are we not threatened only by a „transitional man”, but also a departure from humanity? Our annihilation? Jan Astner creates sanguine drawings on white paper. He chose sanguine because of its color. Red like dried human blood. Because the entire series of TRANSHUMAN PORTRAITS works relates to a human being. Jan Astner chose this theme for his works because the portrait in our tradition and culture probably reflects the best of our humanity. They are drawn alla prima, with a firm stroke and without corrections. Impressions, very impulsive, with a unique form of drawing. Technical, because not painted with a soft brush, but with a stiff piece of broken metal. Transhumanism in paintingJan Astner’s TRANSHUMAN PORTRAITS are a warning. The artist wants to activate our non-verbal imagination. He wants to make us think. He wants to awaken our “non-being” civilization based on objects and personal devices. Portraits with the coded scream of despair of a human being imprisoned in the trap of his own inventions. Not thinking about the future, not anticipating potential threats. All sanguine drawings are sketches of something that is no longer a face, but a kind of transition phase, a transit towards another, unknown reality. Strong lines, technically multiplied, vibrating. Virtual holograms, vibrating with technology. Soft in form, curved, because the drawing of a human face does not have a straight line. On the other hand, it is dramatic, aggressive and inhuman. Abstract sanguine drawings that look like no one. Or rather, building many objective, dehumanized associations. The entire sanguine drawings series is consistent, homogeneous in form and content. It relates to a contemporary problem. It is worth getting into the philosophy of transhumanism. Get to know the thoughts of contemporary intellectuals and futurists. Sanguine drawings that make up TRANSHUMAN PORTRAITS, or what remains of humanism in them, should inspire a certain reflection. |